Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Dog farted in my face

Noting like a brand new morning, 6am and your dog is lying next to you and it’s so warm...and it's cccooollldddd outside campers. All the sudden...no sound just the small realization that what is laying next to my head is not hers. Yup. Got a sniff full of the other side. But it was too cold to get up. Where is the Febreze? Not within arms length. Bummer. I suffered and went back to sleep because goodness knows I don't see 6am unless I stay up until then. Or one of my dogs farts in my face.

The day went as usual after that. Late to work. Didn't want to go there anyway. Forced myself through it. Had a long lunch. And went to the store, bought wine and mousse, Volumizing at that! Wow! I'm living the big life over here.

Doing about ummm 2 things at once and now I have to do the other. Oh no wait 3! does listening to a cd count? Hold please.................

Damn! How do women decorate? (I am woman by the way) I mean seriously come on. I'm just trying to hang curtains and it's a pain in the ass. Like I would know what pillows go with a couch? What pillows do go with a couch? Does it need a color scheme?

Hurt my knee on the damn chair hanging the stupid curtain which still didn't work. Dog needs out and we all know that I have to so she won't fart in my face tomorrow...at 6am...ugh. Guess I can only do one thing at once. bummer.


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