Thursday, January 28, 2010

I. Am. Blown. Away.

I talked to my ma tonight.

Job searches...blah...blah...blah.

She said "What about culinary school?"


She said "You can cook and make it art."

"Yeah Ma, I know."


"It's expensive Ma..."

She said..."You can find a way."

That's a long story short.

I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth.

It's funny how parents...or in my case how a parent impacts a child's life.

When a parent says you will think you will fail.

She's said that a few times.

This time is different.

She told me to try.


Anyhoo...guess I'll be looking in to culinary schools tomorrow...

Fuck not like I haven't been already.

I got two great choices...just haven't looked at loans.

That's been my block.

Yet again my Ma came through and said "You don't know till you try, India."

Very true.

Still blown away.


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