Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I found a knot on her the size of a golf ball the other day.

Today Rip and me took that long ride to the vet, that she so hates…as do I.

Ripley and I have three choices:

1-Wait and see if it’s just a fat deposit. If it gets bigger bring her back in.

2-Draw out some of the fluid and test it, which the vet said would be about 70% accurate.

3-Take it out all together.

“It seems the fact that Ripley is crippled makes it hard for vets to decide exactly what to do.”

I nodded my head and said “Thanks.”

I am currently looking for a new vet.

Curiously enough, this same vet worked at an emergency hospital that I took my crippled cat Bear to and once for Ripley. She thought something was wrong with them.

UUUMMMMM Yeah…their crippled.

Get the fuck over it or go back to school and learn something mind-boggling.

Sometimes animals have the same problems that people have.

The one quote that kept ringing though my mind after her being such a BITCH though the whole procedure was…

“Buck: Here's a quarter. Go downtown and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face.”

Yes she had a couple of molds but she was also unkind.

So to quote one of my fabulous friend….

“Kiss it sister!”


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