Sunday, August 01, 2010

1234 I don't need your fucking war.

It's a Vance chant. Another one kicked in today. I know I have OCD...heh...don't we all in some form?

3. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. 3. Stop killing me.

That's the night he almost killed of the many times.

He had me on the floor in the living room. He said "Die Bitch! Just fucking die, PLEASE."

He screamed please. He was killing me. Sorry, he wanted me to die.

I've never told any one this because people don't want to hear it.

I blacked out. He got me that good.

I never thought any one could take me down. Yeah...that small ass mother fucker took me down. Rage.

We have all faced death, I was just stupid enough to live with it.

He has a heart, as black as it is I just hope he finds it.


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