Thursday, September 06, 2012

Went to the Phsco doc today.

It was weird. It brought up to many bad memories. Fabulous. i'm just trying to get help. I'm starting to realize there is no help. No one gets it and who cares. No one.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

I believed that Ripley could beat cancer...

I noticed that her throat is starting to swell. I called the vet and asked what that meant. A phone call I shouldn't have placed. "That means the cancer is progressing rapidly." Fabulous...this makes me want to punch walls because I can't do shit to help her. I am slowly watching my side kick die. She's beautiful and she's a bitch. What's not to love! There is one thing that makes me angry is I'm the person that people call when they need help with their animals or they have died. No one is answering my fucking phone calls. Does any one understand that she's my baby? Big Fucking no on that one.