Monday, June 21, 2010

I make a statement on face book about my father...

One statement.

"I don't know what it's like to have father" and the Italians came.

I could see the touches over the internet like I'm Goddamn Frankenstein.

My Uncle Nick Slammed me but then again he slammed him self.

"The drunks, the abusers and the drug are in a millions of the club but not an evil one..."


I told him to go fuck off.

By the by...My sister slammed me too. She use to be Switzerland. Not any more.

I Guess she loves the father now. There were pictures posted with the father, Nick, Rossi and Gina.

Where was my MOTHER?

I can bet you a million dollars she wasn't there.

Happy Father's Day Mom.

She did both...she is fabulous!!!


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