Sunday, November 07, 2010

I'm starting to draw more than I like...

I guess I can't contain the pain any more.

I don't like defeat. He killed me. I should be dead. I want to be dead.

The memories are coming back. It's like trying to swat a fly. Shoo fly don't bother me. He is always there in some form. I still can't sleep.

I remembered last night about his knife. He said "I could gut some one with this."

He lost it. I was so happy that he lost a knife that could gut some one.

"Bitch where is my knife?"

You actually want to find it for them to make the abuse go away.

That was a long night.

Can you imagine searching for some thing that he was going to gut me with for 24 hours...he didn't let me sleep...ever.


Anonymous james said...

India, you're an amazing artist. I love this!

I hope you can use your art as an outlet to continue to release the pain and to continue to heal.

11:56 AM  
Anonymous james said...

I also hope your art gets discovered!

11:58 AM  
Blogger iamfallingfromgrace said...

Thanks James, you know i so adore you.

I also hope your talent with photos get discovered...because it needs to be.

2:49 AM  

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