Monday, September 05, 2011


"People with arousal disorders see danger everywhere and obsess about it constantly, there is likely to be little rest for them. They are more apt to be constantly busy handling perceived threats, and will usually have a difficult time getting to sleep or staying asleep because they know that losing consciousness by falling asleep will cause them to let down their guard.'

He always told me he would kill me when I was sleeping. He said he would slit my throat. That's when I started hiding the knives.

Thanks for the fabulous fucking nightmares.

I loved to sleep. I'd turn the a/c to 55 and curl up with tons of blankets.

"Losing consciousness by falling asleep will cause them to let down their guard."

I don't like unconscious. I can't fight.

The best night sleep I got was a few years ago. I felt safe. I wanted to stay in bed all day.


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