Friday, April 07, 2006

WOW! Reality TV in my own front yard!

That was amazing! I haven’t watched TV the whole night after that one!!! My landlord and my next door neighbor got into a fight over their rent.

I’ll give you some background….

Next door neighbors:
C…first neighbor….unemployed actor/producer/wanna be director
His brother…ummm…scary…sweet guy, don’t get me wrong…works to support him and his brother. Plays computer games all night….lil’ strange…i.e…wakes up the front neighbor at 3 am, in the wee morn and asked if they wanted a bite of the Snicker’s that he is currently eating….I myself have gotten these wake up calls….him…aka… N.

Now that the above is settled, I guess they were late on rent. I heard a ruckus in my front yard and I thought it was just C on his cell phone. OH NO!!!!!!!!! It was him and my landlord.

I have to interject one thing before I proceed…you rent…hence you pay rent…no excuses. Firm belief for me…anyfuckingway

C proceeded to fight a loosing battle and told landlord that he told his brother to pay it. My landlord said he never got it and it’s the 6th. C still continued to fight and say that he wasn’t to blame, because he asked his brother to pay it and obviously it wasn’t paid. My landlord made a really good point (he is a smart man by the way) He said “You both live here and it’s both your responsibilities”.

Now granted I was eaves dropping but….ummm…it was in my front yard…and they were screaming…so how could I not, right?

The landlord asked N to come out. Oh, sorry forgot one detail, C is evil and N is the innocent party.

Landlord asked N if C asked him to write the check for the rent. N said “No” because we don’t have the money for the rent. C heard that and went BALLISTIC!!!! Screaming like a lunatic! Now how is that smart? Hmmmm……he can kick you out in 3 days if he wants to and C continued to yell at him, lie and blame his brother, to boot? I just don’t get that one and hope I never will. This is one scenario that I will not ask my favorite word, “WHY”??. Well I could….I could say “Why is C such a fucking moron?” But I already know the answer to that one, so it’s pointless.

You rent, you pay…no excuses
If you can’t pay, call and talk to your landlord (my landlord even said that tonight…nice to know…glad my eaves dropping paid off)

I can’t even believe what I heard coming out of C’s mouth
Are you kidding me? He was yelling at his landlord for not paying HIS rent.
It is still quite baffling to me.
They have the power to kick your ass to the curb
And you’re yelling?

Man I wanted to end that sentence with “Why?”

Do they have methadone for the “Why” word????
Maybe I should join the WHYMCA…


Blogger mindy said...

why ask why?

6:56 AM  

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