Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Orange Teddy found decapitated…News at 11...

Actually, I gave it to Sash, I forgot how much she likes to rip stuff animal’s heads off. DD gave me so many in guilt that I thought we could all have fun I can't believe Ripley actually joined in.

Sasha does have cancer. How I hate typing that.

What she has is manageable, depending on how she deals with the treatments. This consists of taking certain ml’s of blood depending on body weight and then letting her blood replenish.

Her first treatment will be day after tomorrow and every Saturday for a month a PCV test to average how many red T cells are in her system. Then they can gauge how often she has to have blood taken.

The Doc told me in a couple of months they will know how often she will have to go in.

This treatment will be for the rest of her life.

But in the mean time…we can rip MANY stuffed animals to death.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Polycythemia Vera …

That’s what all the vet’s think Sasha has.

They want to do a Phlebotomy.

Fancy words that mean bad things.

She seems fine to me. All the vets that have seen her can’t believe that the dog standing in front of them is the same dog on the paper with the test results.

I tend to think she’s just special. I think it’s her make up…it’s just how she is.

My gut feeling is…if she gets the phlebotomy she will die. I don’t know why.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I FUCKING hate this whole world.

It’s just not fucking fair.

My Sach…well…she’s in a world of hurt.

It drives me insane when I can’t make it better.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

This song may haunt your dreams...

You're lucky I gave you the short version otherwise you would be humming this to your morning coffee.

Why do people send me this crap and I feel the need to post a gummy bear grabbing his crotch and shaking his gummy ass.

Heh...because it's pretty fucking least to me.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My mom would have kicked our asses...

If we didn't get up and help her instead of just kicking and screaming in the street. Who ever edited this video, I commend them. It makes me laugh every time I watch it.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

It’s hard to see…the mouse…

A new friend...and I have to give him credit, considering I have a pit bull that wants to seek and destroy.

This little guy was small and I don’t want to see any more mice blood shed…so I devised a plan.

A plastic zip up bag that a comforter came in. I knew the trail in the kitchen where the little guy traveled and I put some peanut butter on a little bread, left the zipper open just enough and sure enough he went in and couldn’t get out.

Anyone that looks at the picture and thinks he’s suffocating is wrong.

I put a little blanket in it and some water. I kind of want to keep him but (Mindy stop) I know I can’t.

I put him outside with the zipper open and food and water.

He’ll do fine…I’ll probably see him tomorrow.

That is…if Sacha doesn’t see him first.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

View from the terrace on the 19th floor…

It felt like any one could open the doors and walk into oblivion.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I love my sister...

It was so fucking cool having her here...we had a blast.

We didn't do anything special except hang out, which I thought was fabulous.

The party she came here for, which we both thought would be the highlight of her trip, was the least.

Okay, maybe the shower in her hotel room clogging up was the least or maybe my car breaking down....hmmmm....

Doesn't matter ...all of it was great.

I miss her already.