Friday, May 15, 2009

It’s just too fucking short…

Worry, worry, wonder, ponder…again and again and again.

I got a box yesterday…quite unexpected that had a missing piece of my past.

I had told my mom that she had missed them going through my grandparents house…she didn’t believe me.

I remembered them when I was a child. Five quilts that sat in my grandparent’s garage.

I got them yesterday.

They are worn and they have seen better times but they are beautiful. They are my grandmother.

This world sucks…and losing her was one of the worst days of my life. Actually it was the worst day of my life.

But you know what? She worked in a hospital laundry for decades. She went through things that we read about in history books.

And we think we got shit bad?

My 26 miles to work has turned into 1,000. Is it really that bad?


No. We have it easy.

I saw her in that laundry room…the steam…her cracked hands. She never complained. She worked hard with pride.

She was fabulous.

Seeing those quilts gave me some kind of strength.

I don’t like where I am now but I can change it.

I haven't explained the story of what's happening right now so no one knows where I really am.

Maybe that's a good thing for once.


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