I went for an anti-depressant that I really didn’t want to take but after a 5 or 6 day anxiety attack I thought it was time.
I thought I was having a fucking heart attack…for 5 or 6 days.
Yes, I waited that fucking long.
I might as well have just dug my own grave and had a heart attack and fallen in to it after seeing this fucking bitch.
Wow…. I was actually stunned.
It took every thing in my fucking Godamn being to get there and I waited for an hour.
I’m going to cut a 30 min office visit to as little time as possible.
She came in and introduced herself and looked through my file.
“Wow, you’ve been coming here since ’98.”
Me: Yes.
“Ah, Dr. Fisher was your doctor.”
Me: Yes.
“So what can I do for you today?”
Me: Well, I’ve been though an abusive relationship and my therapist said that I might need ant-depressants that calm anxiety.
“Well, which one? Did she give you a name?”
Me: Well she did but I don’t remember them…she said my GP would know.
“I’m not a therapist…but if Dr. Fisher was still here I’m sure he would know what to prescribe you he was the one that had all the patience’s with mental illnesses.”
After that I was speechless.
“You’re unemployed?”
Me: Yes
“So what are you going to do about a job?”
Me: uh…find one.
“How long were you with this guy?”
Me: a decade
Me: manipulation
Me: Can you at least give me a prescription for xanax so I can calm down?
“Yes, but be very careful because it’s really addictive. Since you are unemployed I’ll give you enough if your insurance runs out. I’ll give you 120 pills. While you’re here though lets do some blood work.”
Me: I don’t think that’s a good idea…it took every thing I had get….
She already had me in the hall down to the blood room where 6 viles were there…oh hell no.
I walked out.
No I have to vent.
There are like 5 other doctors there….hmmmm….maybe a medical book you can look at to give me a pill for anxiety?
No, just send a sister off with 120 script for xanax and tell me it addictive and can kill me… all I wanted was help...all it did was make me worse.