Saturday, July 01, 2006

Why do people think they have the right?

This is my world now. No one else’s. Why people think that they have the right to invade it is beyond me. Not people actually, one person...him.

As I’ve said I still answer the phone sometimes when he calls. Today was the last time. I have to realize that I don’t need to know this person anymore. In a span of 3 minutes he insulted me, my job and my house. I am so angry right now I’m shaking.

He just told me he blames me for the whole demise of the relationship. How he wasted 9 years of his life on me. Then he proceeded to rip me to shreds.

I’ve often blamed him for me not being able to look in the mirror. He has called me so many names that that’s all I saw in my face.

He did it one better today, I honestly didn’t even think he could out do himself. But he did...and it was brilliant. He said the reason I can’t look in the mirror anymore is because I’d crack it.

What kind of person says this to someone else?

A couple of my friends have said he’s not crazy, he’s just mean. I never wanted to admit that. I didn't think that anyone could be just...plain...mean. But he is. He’s just a fucking mean bastard that I happen to come into contact with for 9 long fucking years.

He really did almost make me loose my mind and you know what? I’m still not sure if he succeeded or not. I mean we are all kind of crazy in our own right….right? I think I’m just a little worse for wear.

I can’t do it anymore. I’m standing on the edge looking down…one more poke on my back and...I don't know what's going to happen.

I just changed my phone number. I can't do it anymore.


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