Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Have you ever had that kind of crush on someone that….

there is pretty much a 99% chance that nothing will ever come of it but there is always that 1% that something could?

I’m not talking about a star or someone famous…but I guess there is still a 1% chance that could happen as well….but just a normal average person.

I’m usually quite ballsy when it comes to this kind of situation but…either I’ve been burned so much in the last few months for voicing how I feel our maybe I’m just a little intimidated to tell this person.

Plus…I’ve been told by too many women that men don’t really like to be told that kind of thing…they like the chase and a girl voicing something like that usually kills it for the guy….guess that kind of boils down to the whole game thing again.

I know the guy knows I exist…and has said a couple of things that if I ponder enough I might convince myself he would consider something more….but women think to fucking much and I am definitely no exception.

Maybe another reason I don’t want to tell him is because it kills the daydreams. Once that turn down or the embarrassing silence comes…the daydreams are never the same….

and soon disappear all together…which I don’t want to happen…just yet…


Blogger mindy said...

don't spoil the daydreams. the reality is never quite the same.

10:13 AM  
Blogger megaton said...

i always ask myself whether ill regret a decision for the rest of my life.

those who never act on dreams cannot possibly fulfill them.

9:36 PM  

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