Friday, June 29, 2007

What happened yesterday?

Or is it today.

Lost my ATM card. Damn…it just keeps getting better.

I really thought it was funny when I flipped up my cell phone to report my ATM card lost and I had no service because I didn’t pay my cell bill.

Heh…got ya.

Cell phone worked…ATM card still lost.

Then there was the part about me falling over a five foot wall.

I am currently on ice.

I fell after the ATM ordeal but does it matter?

This is your brain on Lexapro

And this is your brain without.

Or maybe I just found a 5X5 piece of rotted wood that sang sweet faces to me.

I’m not talking angelic….this one tends to go to the demonic stage.

And that’s what I do best…

Besides falling over a brick wall, it’s all good…nice day in LA.

Hell…I’m still alive…

Or am I?


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