These two words were introduced to me the other night.
I’ve heard them…do I know what they mean? No.
It was explained to me by a guy. I still had no fucking clue.
So I called a friend…a girl friend. She confirmed she knew exactly what it meant.
Male point of these words:
Him: You have a pussy, which means you have the power.
Me: How does that give me power?
Him: Because you have it.
Me: Do I have to go naked through the streets to have that power?
Him: No…you don’t understand. No, you really do you are just playing stupid.
Me: I wish. Explain it to me.
Him: You have it and men want it.
Me: yeah…so.
Him: You really don’t understand do you?
Me: No.
Him: It’s the power of manipulation.
Me: How?
Him: Because women can take a guy for everything he’s worth.
Me: I don’t do that.
Him: But you can.
Me: Why would I want to?
Him: Because you have that power.
Me: Sounds like a pretty bad power.
Him: Let me ask you a question? How many guys lust over girls?
Me: All men lust over girls.
Him: How many girls lust over men.
Me: Some.
Him: Exactly.
Me: I still don’t understand (now I’m feeling really stupid).
Him: Females have the power of the pussy because they can pick and chose…we however do not.
Me: I beg to differ…there are a lot of men that have women hanging all over them. They have the power of the penis.
Him: Good point but with the power of the pussy there comes the one factor that women do manipulation. Men don’t think that far ahead. Women…plan.
Me: Like free drinks?
Him: Yes and meals and free rent and I can go on and on but you just don’t get it do you?
Me: Nope.
And I really didn’t...still don't really.
So I called a friend.
Basically she told me the same thing. There was on difference though…
Friend: Haven’t you ever been to a bar and looked around the club and had your choice of men?
Me: Never noticed. Thought some guys were hot. That’s about it.
Friend: You didn’t know you had it obviously.
Me: Shit.
And I will say SHIT on more time because I just don’t have it. Which I think is a good thing and now that I know what it means…a bad thing.
I was embarrassed in a bar when a guy bought me a drink.
I was the wallflower for most of the time and when I was the Diva that’s all I was.
The only thing I expected from a guy was to like me the way I like him. That never happened.
I’ve heard the stories that men tell and it’s amazing to me what women have done to them.
Don’t get me wrong…I’m no angel I’ve done my share of bad to both genders.
But I’ve known a lot of strippers and rockers and the story I think plays both ways.
Do I think that women have more power…of course. It’s not because of the pussy though.
But I guess basically prostitution proves me wrong. Because if you are using the goods for drinks, dinner and a good time on him…isn’t that what it is?
You don’t have to walk the streets for that…you just have to walk into a bar.
That’s all I get from those to conversations.
I still have no fucking idea how to use the “Power” nor do I want to.
On a side note:
Before I posted this I wanted to find a funny picture. They actually make jewlery, t-shirts, underware…etc. and so many other things…uh yeah. FOR the pussy power. How many times can i say that in one post. Honestly it's the few keys that still work on my keyboard.
I looked up all words that I could use for the penis combined with power…you guys are fucked. Men got nada. Not even a t-shirt saying "I went through the Pussy Power and only got a crappy t-shirt"
I kind of think that’s unfair.
Because doesn’t pussy power mean they want?
Oh fuck there I go again. They will give it to you for a price. What that is I guess men don't know.
I have to side with the men on this one. As shitty as they can be sometimes.
But aren't we all.