Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why me?

Why did he pick me?

Weakness maybe. I'm just to fucking nice some times.

Not so much any more.

I got in to a fight at the ATM on Sunday. She honked at me twice. Sister, really?

I had to get out of the car. By the way the next drive through ATM was open.

"Are you serious?"

She said "You are taking too much time."

"Uh...I'm signing my check."

She said "You should have done that at home."

She opened the car door and put one foot on the ground.

I said..."Bring it on."

She put that fucking foot back in the car and rolled to the next ATM.

I never get mad but she pissed me the fuck off.

I've got balls now. Vance did teach me some thing.


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