Saturday, March 31, 2007

The last of the few...the proud...the mice...have fallen

It's funny...I was just talking to my sister last night telling her that I thought Sacha was going blind. Sach tends to run into things with her noggin...a lot.

I had confirmation this morning that she is anything but blind.

I woke up, rolled out of bed and put my feet right next to the deceased.

I don't know how Sach caught the last mouse. She's quick but she's also 80 lbs. and 8 years old.

I also can't belivieve my old next door neighbor almost put her down when she was a year old.

I've been told that people don't find animals...animals find people.

I think that's true and I'm glad she found me.

I do however, feel that the smaller animals of this world may not agree.


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