Sunday, February 19, 2006

I digress…..with a really furry coat on…..

Life is hard and we all know it. Some worse than others. Some better than most. I think that I just said the same thing twice.

Oh by the way it’s really fucking cold here. Hence the furry coat.

I really don’t know what I want to say tonight…or maybe I don’t want to say what I’m going to.

Went on a date today. One of my ex’s semi friends. Yes guilt. Girls don’t do that. I shouldn’t have done that. He’s a sweet guy. I think that he has too many issues. I know that we all do, especially me. But the way people deal with them makes it different.

He’s lonely, and he said it. I get lonely but I like being alone. You are only alone if you want to be. I’ve been (for me) through the worst of the worst. So do I still want and hope for someone? YES.

Can you tell I talked to my mother tonight? Man she always fucks me up.

Doors are opening up for me now. It’s very strange….my whole life has changed in a
matter of weeks. I can actually walk out of the house and be….me. I wake up and have peace. It’s better than winning the lottery.

Very scattered this evening…..and I just spilled my wine….Damn.

The ottoman, by the way, is still very fabulous. Thanks for asking.