Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Natural…..

I try to avoid this movie at all costs but I just happened to change to the channel it was on and I saw the tail end of it. Makes me fucking want to shoot myself in the head…”just end it now cause it isn’t getting any better” is what it screams to it’s own TV land kind of way.

Where is my “one thing”? HUH? Where is it? I want to know. What am I talented at? What is my reason for living? What should I do when I grow up? Ok…I’m already grown up but that’s not the point.

Ahhh fuck. I know why I’m fucking here. The shit isn’t gonna make me rich though.

The thing that pisses me off is all I want are the simple things in life. Like a FUCKING washer and dryer in my house. Yeah….I’m bitching about laundry again….but that’s also not the point!

My point is…..FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!

Start again…..

My point is...why can’t I get a new and fabulous job where I’m happy? Why can’t I have a boyfriend that’s not a fucking bastard? Why can’t I have big boobs and an ass that men stare at? (Well, I could but it would require extensive surgery) And why don’t I have a fucking washer and dryer???? Huh?

Sorry…I’m having a small pity party over here…it’s so stupid….I know that people are dieing as I type….and I’m bitching about…basically nothing….nothing of importance, that is.

Jimmanneefuckingchristmas….I’m being stupid. I have so much and I’m just not being grateful for it this evening…um…morning…whatever.

I have a job. I have a home. I have a car. I have my family. I have my dogs.

So what the fuck am I bitching about?


Blogger mindy said...

you are an amazing artist, hello???

6:14 AM  
Blogger james r. said...

i know how you feel. totally.

just remember that you're starting again. and i hate to say this (because i'm not the most patient person myself when it comes to these things), but it's going to take time.

but while you're waiting, fire up your paintbrush and get painting...!

12:01 PM  

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