Sunday, June 04, 2006

I give paybacks when paybacks are due….

And this is long over due. I sent an email to a friend about a guy I use to…date? We went out 3 times. We did, however, email, chat, and call each other for a couple of months prior to the 3 dates. Heh….3…funny. Anyhoo…

To break the whole story down, he was my transition person. My ex was still living here even though we were broken up. This guy was the person that pulled me out of the situation, mentally. I will give him a thank you for that.

This is where the payback begins…

He was a fucking asshole.

Sometimes I give up too much information. I told him all about me and my ex. How I was in an (this pains me to type this next phrase but…just have to) abusive relationship. He knew my situation and ran with it.

It’s funny…he was just like my ex in a different way. Let me see if I can explain this….

He was a writer so he had a way with words. Now I admit, I’m not the brightest color in the Crayon box but I get it, eventually. He would insult me in pretty words. Which took me awhile to get…but I got it…but good.

Yes we only had 3 dates. But we did talk a lot. He meant something to me in a weird way. But it very bluntly, ended.

He had a blog that he was so proud of. I would read it every day. I even read it after he dumped me. He had his main blog, and then stared a second blog about his horrible dating experiences. It was cruel. He bashed women to no end, and yes, I was one of them.

I will quote…

“India, now that was drama. I never intended to date her she is much too white for me. I prefer darker women.” He said more but….I don’t want to relive it

I can go on and on and try to fight back on that sentence but it would take me a whole day. All I can say is he didn’t like me. I get it. I just don’t understand why he had to bash me. It wasn’t fair. It really wasn’t fair due to the fact that I really did like him. And yet again, he thought I was garbage.

It’s so amazing to me. I always insult myself and I’ve learned from the best…..DD. But I will…for once…give myself a pat on the back.

Here’s my pat on the back…

I will be there and listen….I will give you the shirt off my back if you need it….

Ugh…nuff said

I’ve come to learn that some people are just mean. The funny thing is…I never expect it.

I really want to say so many things about him. The one mistake he made was telling me a lot of private things. I could do it…splatter him all over the internet….even use his full name. But I can’t. I just can’t do it.

Which leads me to the question…”Why did he do it?”

I know I’ve slammed DD here. And I have to do it again. He was a nightmare. Me, talking about him on this blog helped me unload the poison. But this guy randomly bashing me and other women is just wrong.

He eventually deleted the dating blog…wonder why.

Words are powerful tools…I just wish that people chose them more wisely.


Blogger mindy said...

oh, i know.. can i tell? pretty please.. :)
ok.. well.. i can say is all girl should be warned. he's the worst of the worst kind of man. he hates women. (and he says he a buddhist) he's a fucking joke. i can't stand him.. almost as most as i can't stand b.

6:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a prick. prickasaurus rex, it sounds like.

12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

3:14 AM  

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