Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Eagle has landed….

Ok well it wasn’t an eagle, it was a hawk…and it wasn’t just now it was this afternoon when I came home for lunch. When I pulled up to the house I noticed about 5 birds flying back and fourth and all around each other. I just thought they were hanging out having fun.

I have an SUV, so when I get out of the car and stand next to it, I guess the roof of it comes to about just below my eyes. I got out of my car and all the sudden, out of no where *CRASH*. I look over to see a hawk staring back at me. He wasn’t full grown…probably in his tweens…but it didn’t matter. He was magnificent. That was my first impression. The second was I don’t want to have my face ripped off at this particular time in my life. Not that he would have done it but my instinct being that close to a wild bird kind of kicked in. He started at me for a moment and flew off. He flew up in the air circled around for a few seconds and disappeared into a palm tree.

I went inside hung out with the dogs for my lunch and when it came time to leave, as I was walking out to my car I saw something furry on the top of it. As I approached it I realized it was the bottom remains of a small bird. I guess the hawk was raiding the nests in the trees. All the birds weren’t playing with him, they were trying to keep him from killing their young. I realized…yeah, I had a reason to be frightened in those 5 seconds. It was worth every second though…that bird was amazing.

My grandmother, who was part Indian, always told me that hawks were sprits that watched over us. I always think that when I see them. Maybe it’s because of her, maybe I think that she’s watching over me.


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