Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I think I’ve figured out what my problem has been lately…

I guess I feel kind of stupid. I tend to play scenarios in my mind over and over again. Most people make mistakes, say or do something stupid and shrug their shoulders and think well lesson learned, and they move on.

I think that part of my brain is broken. I will play the same situation over and over again in my brain. Thinking why did I do that or why did I say that or I should have done that different or I should have handled it different. I still do it sometimes for things that happened months ago. I only know a couple of people that do this. Like I said most people move on.

A certain situation happened this weekend and well, it made me feel just a wee bit silly and kind of emotionally retarded but I’ve always been emotionally retarded.

I have always become attached to people very quickly. I find that a little weird because of my up bringing. I would think that I would be the opposite, wary and standoffish. I’ve always worn my heart on my sleeve. I don’t think it’s bad, it just proves for a lot of heartache in my life.

I don’t feel the need to try and change this, it’s a part of me but sometimes it proves to make me have days like I had as of late. Had to adjust the ol’ heart just a bit and the way I think about a person.

The bad thing about the situation is that I made another person feel uncomfortable and I really feel badly about that. I just hope that with time I can redeem this situation.

Feelings can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.


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