Friday, February 02, 2007

What a bizarre day…

I had a feeling today that haunts me every so often…an uneasy fluttering in my tummy with a hint of impending doom. I understood this feeling when I was driving home tonight. Full moon…ahh now I understand. I always realize this feeling when I actually see the full moon, you would think I would know by now.

The day was relatively normal…boring. When lunch rolled around I didn’t really feel like driving home but I wanted to get out of the office so I decided to go and sit in my car and read. I stretched out in the back seat but just couldn’t keep my eyes open. I was caught in the middle of consciousness and sleep...stuck in a semi-dream that entailed three cutesy popular love comedies with me as the main character…weird. I have to stop watching that crap.

When I went back into the office it was like a morgue, there was nothing going on. There were two people reading books so I decided to be the third. The minutes still dripped by.

As I was driving home I almost got run off the road by a fucking mini-van (oh how I still hate those cars) then got trapped behind two people that I can only assume were drunk one of which I was behind when I saw the full moon. I always see it on the same street…Forest Lawn Drive. It’s named that after the cemetery that takes up most of the street. It’s always like a creepy horror flick on these nights...hence the pic, not mine by the way stolen from the internet.

To top off this evening the dogs are chasing what I can only assume is the ghost of Brownie. At least I’ve confirmed that the mouse sensors don’t work on the living or the dead.


Blogger mindy said...

forest lawn is one of my favorite places. it's so creepy.

6:31 AM  

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