Sunday, March 18, 2007

Isn't this just taking it a bit far?

While pondering another piecering (the monroe) and looking up pics on the inernet I came across this.

I'm all about people doing whatever they want to but this one, just seemed a little over the edge, even for me.

I've pondered this and so much more with my second night of insomnia.

I've got to fix my showhead or call the land lord
that fucking mouse was near my computer, that has to end
if my next door neighbor doesn't stop playing techno I really will lose my mind
the bank...i forgot to go to the bank
I could get up and take a I can sleep
shit my car isn't going to pass smog with the 02 light on...I need to have that looked at
fuck I need new tires too
do i want to move?
why are people so close minded
even me sometimes...why do I do that?
if I died in my sleep how long would it take someone to find me?
I'm only thinking that because I watched Frankie and Johnny tonight
stop it india and just calm down
but what if I did die tonight...what have I accomplished?
isn't my mother's birthday this month?
is it the 23 or 26th...why do I always get the days mixed up
tomorrows Sunday right?
turn off the tv...that will help
no can't do that then i'll hear the techno
turn off the tv and turn the fan on
too cold
why am I afraid of heights
and who ever came up with I before E except after C?
don't teach me something that's wrong half the time
my second grade teacher that's who
wow she was a bitch
I wonder what ever happen to Ms. Johnson
she's probably dead
what happens when you die?
is it just eternally black like PawPaw told me
is there a god?
i can't imagine there not being one
but there has to be something higher than us
why did vance love drugs more than he loved me?
why did I stay with him for so long
I wish I was as smart as my brother and sister
so does my mom
why did she tell me that
"I knew one of ya'll would be famous"
why am I so different from them?
why did my grandmother have to die
and why wasn't I there

How I feel alseep after that last thought, I have no idea becasue it's bringing me to tears now.

Oh how I miss her. She was brilliant. The only person in my life I ever felt a part of. I got my heart from her.

I failed her in the end.

I will carry the love and the guilt for the rest of my life.



Blogger Chinawhite said...

I like it .
I'm a chinese. English as a foreigh language.So I may catch sth form your writting.And it may not like what you want to express.But I think it is no the matter.
I think a blogger is a man . And we write it for joy,remind,and sth other else.
Just as my young,I write sth in my private book.And it's a secret of me .
so I think it's a memery book.
Just do it .
And foot prints are left.It is enough.
Do you think so?

1:22 AM  
Blogger iamfallingfromgrace said...

I do think so and I came to realize that tonight.

I wish I could read your blog but unfortunately I can't.

New blogger are ya?

1:50 AM  

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