Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I had every intention of getting shit done today...really I did

It just didn't work out that way.

I got up early and called in to work and told them I wouldn't be there today. I was getting ready to sit down and make a list of all the things I needed to do but my mind started wandering...to my stomach. I was starving. First thought was a breakfast jack but after stopping by the store to get a Godiva Vanilla Latte (yes, heaven in a bottle) I happened to see a place down the street from me that had a breakfast special. Two eggs over easy, 2 sausages, hash browns and toast all for the low low price of $3.50. Oh did I mention that comes with lard? I haven't had a breakfast that good since my grandmother was alive.

Came back ate my breakfast, had my latte, watched a little tv and by noon I was asleep. I woke up at 4:00. Yeah...half the shit I had to do needed to be done a little before that and the other half I didn't feel like doing after that. So I went to the store and bought a bunch of crap and by that I mean food that's real crap like Popsicles, Kool-aid, Jello and bologna. Ummmm....yeah don't ask me why those were my choices and don't be scared I did buy wine as well...I haven't completely lost my senses.

By the way, if anyone out there envies me for not doing a damn thing today keep in mind all ya'll have jobs. Things for me in that department may be looking up but I'm not going to elaborate on that just yet.

Also, looks like I'm going back to Texas for a small trip since, as of next Monday, I will be unemployed. Funny...of all days my brother will be here the day after my last day of work and I'm flying back with him a couple of days later. Weird how things work out sometimes.

Wow I'm all over the place tonight.

I guess that's what happens without any brain stimulation and too much lard and sugar.


Blogger Otis said...

You know...there is nothing in the world like biscuits made with lard...or at least that's how my Granny used to do it before she died for coronary artery disease.

Man...those biscuits were good.

12:48 AM  

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