I heard M’s voice and walked to my front door and saw her.
As I opened the door she said…
“There are more to follow…many more.”
Surge, M’s friend (the replacement for “The Evil One” I can only scream THANK GOD!) his two sons A&A, C and M.
Four kids ranging from the ages of 9 to 17…with left over fireworks.
Who just stole India’s heart? Kids with things that go BOOM!
Imagine if you will…a 500sq ft. house with 3 adults, 4 children, 2 dogs and fireworks.
That’s called fun people.
Everyone was setting off the fireworks in the back yard and M and I decided to go to the store. It was so funny we ran out of the house laughing like we were in high school.
The trip to the store took about 10 minutes…heh.
Lesson here…never, EVER, under any circumstances leave 5 males, no matter what age, with a lighter, fireworks and a random bottle of charcoal starter fluid in sight.
M and I came strolling through the common yard and saw this mysterious glow coming over my steel backyard fence.
I looked at M and said, “I think my backyard is on fire!”
She started laughing and so did I. We ran into the house.
M said “What the hell is going on?”
Four boys and one man walked by us mumbling something about it was just the last firework and it made a lot of smoke.
No, when the truth came out it was a beer bottle, the last firecracker and some liter fluid and them trying to make dog shit burn.
If M and I were here we could have told them that it wasn’t possible…but it was priceless to see the look on their faces caught in the act of doing something they shouldn’t have been doing.
Lighter fluid on dog shit?
I’m still laughing about it.