Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sin and Secrets...

I wanted to scream when I watched the show. I understand these women. It starts out fabulous! They love you and it's so PERFECT! Then it starts. Small things. "India, can't you clean better." I tried to clean better...but it wasn't enough.

People don't understand. They hook you in and then you're stuck. There is no way out. There is always a threat of "I will kill you or your dogs. Your chose." My answer...Me.

I tried to leave the first time. He tried to keep me there by biting my wrists, arms and throat. I left my girls...my dogs. I couldn't stand it any more.

I slept in my car.

People really don't understand.

Men get off good in a domestic violence situation women get life in prison and in mind.

All I can think is there is a strong woman behind every man.

Because we are telling you what the fuck to do and guess what? We are right.


Anonymous xl pharmacy said...

It is a sad and well narrated story. Thanks for sharing with us. You know how to express and the best way to use words.

5:57 AM  

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