Monday, March 06, 2006

No Human Contact......

I’m going to try and not be depressing tonight (haha that’s funny) but it seems to come natural most of the time.

Didn’t do much of anything yesterday....that is how my morning, noon and night went. Actually nothing at all. Went to the store and bought smokes, wine and food, that was about it. Very frustrated sitting in the house all day. For the first time I was frustrated. I always liked staying in the house on the weekend. I’m a definite homebody. Yesterday, not so much.

I think that I’m getting to the point that I need human contact. During the week I’m fine. I go to work and have people around me all the time.

Weekends are different. I can go for 3 hours without saying a word. Except for the occasional chatter to “the girls” which tends, sometimes, to make me feel like a crazy person. I’m thinking I’ll be 80 talking to a bunch of dogs and cats. Ok, flipped to depressing…or was I already there? On the weekends besides sleeping a lot, I talk to my friends on the phone, probably too much. Read, do some writing and watch TV. Ho…Hum….oh well.


…little better. Actually screamed that out loud.

K…sorry. As I said, my point is human contact. Doesn’t have to be a relationship, sex, dating….or should that be dating, relationship, sex or dating, sex, relationship? I could also just go for sex…whatever…. Everyone has their personal preference I guess. I just want someone to hang out with, preferable male. A hug, arm around my shoulder. Geese, ANYTHING! I’m not talking walks on the beach and candle lit dinners….ugh. Hell, just drive by, get out of the car…give me a hug and leave. ANYTHING!

I guess part of a break up no matter how horrible the whole thing was is at least you had someone there. Now granted…in the end the man never hugged me or even gave me the first hint of human contact…does throwing a phone at me count as human contact? Yeah, probably not.

Interesting….I guess I just came to a realization. I thought the reason I missed it so much is because I haven’t had it since he’s been gone. In actuality I haven’t had it in years.

DAMN!!! No wonder I’m a mess about this!


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