Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Why aren’t I…?

A go getter? A mover and a shaker? Hell, to me moving is just slightly left on the couch, maybe leaning forward just a tad to pick up the remote. I’ve never understood that about myself. It takes me 2 weeks to do laundry when after the first week I really needed to. My friend M asked me the other day “I wonder how many times you say “”I need to do laundry””. Heh, I do say it a lot. I hate laundry.

I think I like to complain. Maybe that’s it. Bitch and moan and all that jazz. Complaining is more fun that actually doing it though isn’t it? Well, I guess not to the people around me. They are thinking….JUST FUCKING DO IT!!!!” Isn’t that a Nike ad without the “fucking” in it? Maybe if I bought a pair of Nikes I might do it. Oh, wait, I have a pair of Nikes. Shit, well that blows that idea out of the water. Funny thing is most people I know have to replace their sneakers every 6 months to a year. I think mine are 6 years old but they look new. I thought that was a good thing at first but now that I wrote it down….I think that might be bad.

But seriously, it takes everything in my being to get me up and moving. What is that? Some incurable disease? I’ll just sit like a…a…blob for the rest of my life? I don’t really want to be a blob.

I do have a lot of amazing (or so I think) ideas. A lot entail money which in my current situation, isn’t going to fly but others are free. My mom told me one night “You always talk about all these things your going to do but never do them”. She’s right. Why oh why do mothers always have to be right? It’s not fair. I just sounded 7 years old to myself. I’m starting to scare myself. I have Blobdalisum! Maybe the cure is proving Mothers around the world wrong. Ohhhhh…..I think that might be it! The funny thing about that last statement is it wasn’t a joke.

I must admit, lately I have been restless and bored. Even bored with TV. Now that is frightening if you actually know me. But I just keep sitting here. I do have grand ideas of things to do, I just don’t do them. Like now…I really need to get in the shower (not that this is a grand idea but if you were in the same room as me right now you might think so) I’ve been procrastinating all night. I keep telling myself “you have to take a shower”. I’ve even been bitching to my dogs (yes crazy dog lady rears her ugly head again). But here I sit 10:30 and no shower. It is really cold here though and I don’t have any heat…..crap!…there I go again.

I really don’t smell THAT bad, so don’t get disgusted…..


Ummm…I have to take a shower now…….


Blogger mindy said...

you are not a blob. i almost typed blog.(ha) i think you need to start painting again. or taking pictures. you are soooo creative! and go do your laundry! : )

6:53 AM  

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