Sunday, July 09, 2006

Minn reminded me of a story….

It’s funny I just thought about it the other day as well because I was driving on the freeway that it happened from.

It was around 3am one morning and me, DD and a friend of his were driving home from a club. We went under and underpass and got about a block away when we heard a boom. Right before we heard it I looked in the rear view mirror and saw something fall from the freeway. It was a pick-up truck. It seems the guy feel asleep at the wheel. There was one small portion of the freeway between two separate underpasses that didn’t have a guard rail. The truck flew down through that small space and landed on its side.

The streets were deserted. I made a U-turn. It was a man, alone in the car. I looked down in the truck and he looked up at me. He reached his hand up and I grabbed it. I told him everything would be fine. He said “Tell my daughter I love her.” I said “You can tell her yourself, you’re going to be fine.” I looked down and noticed blood coming from the bottom of the truck and starting to touch the edge of my shoes. The man was bleeding pretty badly. Cars started to stop and finally the police came. They told us to leave. I tried to tell the cop what the man had said but he didn’t want to hear it. He told us simply to leave immediately.

DD’s friend called the nearest hospitals the next day and did find out that the man was in critical condition but he was still alive. The hospital wouldn’t give any other information because DD friend wasn’t family or a friend.

I don’t live in that area anymore but sometimes I have to take that freeway. Every time I drive it I wonder about that man and hope he’s ok.

It’s funny we were in DD’s car and his friend was asking how fast it would go. I was at a stop light and when it turned green, I hit the gas. Got it up to 70, which is amazing because the car was a POS. The funny thing is if I wouldn’t have done that there was a good chance that truck could have landed right on top of us.

The whole situation was so bizarre. He had to hit that place in the freeway just perfect to go though that small opening and why did DD’s friend say that and why did I do what I did?

I know, I think too much into things sometimes I guess…..


Blogger megaton said...

i dont think anything happens for a reason but part of me enjoys the sentimentality of coincidence and retrospect. the only reason im alive is because a friend called me at the exact right moment one day and asked if i wanted to play some baseball.

11:39 PM  
Blogger mindy said...

i always think that too.. just one person stopping to talk to you, delays your trip just for a minute or two.. forgetting something, turning around, see.. you never know right?

6:05 AM  

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