Tuesday, July 25, 2006

This is why I don't watch the news....

I woke up about 6ish…mind you, that doesn’t mean I going to get up…I merely woke up….cold. Imagine that. I had put the air on medium and the temp had dropped to the 70’s during the night so it was a little chilly in my room. I had to at least roll over and grab the comforter. It was so nice. Then about 15 minutes later I realized that I was sucking a hell of a lot of energy when I didn’t need to. So I turned it off. But I had a wonderful 15 minutes.

I thought about turning off the air this morning because I watched the news last night. I rarely watch the news. It’s mainly a pack of lies to me. I’ve heard people talking in the office about the rolling black outs here and in NY. I understand this….it’s too hot and it’s all just too much power trying to be generated…or something to that effect…I don’t fucking know, the guy on the news was speaking a foreign language…at least on my end. But I definitely heard one woman they interviewed VERY clearly, and I couldn’t believe what I heard.

She had lost her power, which a lot of people have in Cali. Now I have to say I understand it’s really fucking hot here. I am the first to bitch. But what this woman said blew me away. She compared the power outage here to the Tsunami and hurricane Katrina. She said the only difference was they haven’t lost their homes.

Excuse me? I’m sorry I didn’t hear that correctly. Your situation is like two natural disasters? I thought maybe I missed part of the interview so I switched to another channel. No, I heard it right.

I understand that people have died here because of the heat and loss of power. But come on, you got to be fucking kidding me.

I lived through a brown out here. It was a few years back. I had one air conditioner, just like I do now. The exact same situation…I was approx. 5 miles from there to where I live now. That day it was 110. My air was barely working, as well as my TV…even my fridge light was hurtin’. Everything was on a low dim. Then all the sudden everything went out. It was a brown out that went as far as Nevada. It was around 2pm. Oh I will never forget that. Yeah it sucks. Yeah, I had just gone grocery shopping and my new groceries, as well as I, were done. The thing that sucked about that duplex was it got hotter after 3. So I knew it was going to get worse.

I was friends with the guy next door so I went over there. They had decided to BBQ since the power had gone out. Huh? What? What can I say…they always drank a hell of a lot of beer.

The power finally came on about 12am. We were all drunk by that time…and to tell you the truth we kind of forgot it was off. Yeah, it was hot and the BBQ didn’t help but we had some good food that was going to rot anyway, some cold beer (because one of the guys there was drunk enough to think about going to the store and getting ice to save his beer) and just hung out.

Funny, the next day one of the transformers (I think that’s what they call them) on a telephone pole broke in front of our house and we had a wild electrical snake hissing on our front lawn for about 2 hours. So we lost power again. But we were too hung over to care. Heh.

I guess my point is…it’s just fucking hot here people…it’s hot everywhere, but to compare this to losing your family and friends, homes and your whole life is so incredibly fucking stupid.

Boy oh boy, this city…

Why do I live here again?


Blogger mindy said...

i don't know.. move back! :)

7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

6:24 PM  

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