Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Thisishowmylaundrywent...and my Mother is

Jesus fucking Christ how much clothing do I own?

A lot…and I love it…well not right now but tomorrow I will.

I'd love to talk dirty laundry but something else is on my mind.

I called my mom tonight to clear the air. That was a huge mistake but I’m glad I made it.

She told me the truth…for once.

“I’ll never think of you any differently India…I am right and you are wrong. You will continue to screw your life up.” Ouch…that’s what she thinks?

Funny thing is…she doesn’t know my life. Not a fucking thing about it.

I love my Mother but right now she is being a complete bitch. She did a lot for us and I appreciate that everyday but I can no longer withstand the words she says to me.

I am different and I know it. I like that about myself.

Everyday is change but some people cease to.


Blogger Otis said...

I always have overcompensated by buying clothes...it's an addiction.

India...a wise man once said,

1. Life is difficult.

2. Perception is reality.

3. Change is the toughest thing a human being can do.

4. You can never change another human being; you can only change yourself. Once you change, they change, but you cannot change them.

5. I am responsible for everything I do and say. I am not responsible for your response.

6. The future and the past are seldom as good or as bad as we anticipate or remember.

7. Nobody has a squeaky-clean psyche.

8. The only thing that lasts forever is...Now.

I carry this in my pocket and constantly refer to #4 and #5.

8:01 PM  
Blogger iamfallingfromgrace said...

I should have never called her back but I just thought we could agree to disagree. She didn't see it that way and I only have myself to blame this time.

Thanks for what you wrote and it's all true. I think I need to carry it as well.

9:05 PM  

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