Monday, July 10, 2006

From The Notebook to a talk with my friend and now it's Shaun of the Dead

We’ll start with The Notebook…shall we? Gimmineefuckingchristmas. Why do people tell me to watch these movies? Huh? I can tell you right now I am not watching “Garden State” after that one.

So basically, this story is about two people that fall in love get married and in their old age the woman suffers from Alzheimer's disease. So for the golden years, the man basically spends the rest of his life reading this woman “The Notebook” to get 5 minutes of her remembering him like every fucking year. And I’m missing “Hell’s Kitchen” for this. I don’t think so.

Oh…oh…ok, that was the end. They both died in each others arms. No, I didn’t see that coming like a freight train. This one didn’t even make me cry.

As much as I hate to admit it I do like the cheesy love stories every now and them. But I usually know by the first 10 minutes of a movie if I can stand it or not. This one was kind of force feed. This movie was definitely not my cup of tea and it was the kind of movie that I want to write the director personally and ask for the last two hours of my life back.

I know I’m a little tainted when it comes to issues of the heart or even movies about it. Because we all know love isn’t always flowers and sunshine. It’s usually a load of crap that you have to wrap up and make pretty. Ok, not always, but you know what I’m saying.

I’ve said all that crap before here so we won’t go ripping though all those old, horrible…dismal…unimaginable…dark days. Because there is always the light at the end of tunnel right? Sure there is. India being positive, I know, it’s scary but bear with me.

I talked to a friend tonight about the demise of relationships. It’s funny because I have talked to men about their break-ups and how they never saw it coming sometimes. The few men that I’ve talked to, have said that when it happens and the woman is the one ending it was quite the shock.

My friend and I came to the conclusion, for us, that something just snapped all the sudden. It was just one second that we knew it couldn’t happen anymore. I remember a million things went through my mind in a second and I was done. Now it took me a hell of a long time to get the son of a bitch out, but it was that second that decided it. Even after all is said and done, I’m not sure he still believes it's actually over.

The same is happening with my friend. It was three weeks ago that she had the same second. It’s done, but he’s having none of it. I mean how many times do you have to tell someone that it’s over. And the next morning you wake up and they don’t remember a fucking word you said…or don’t want to.

It took me 3 months to finally get DD out and like I said he still doesn’t understand. My friend, hell I don’t know how long it will take. But I know that she has decided.

We both asked ourselves the same question when it hit. Would I rather be alone for the rest of my life or live with this? Crazy or alone...crazy or alone...hmmm...tough decision. Alone? Oh hell yea.

Shaun of the Dead?
Come on, it’s funny....


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