Saturday, July 29, 2006

This is how my morning went…

My dogs woke me up about 8:30 to let them out. I went back to bed and dreamt that I was out of dog food. Yes, this is how thrilling my life has become. They woke me up again about 10:30 and I told them to wait because at this point I believed that I was out of food for them. At 11:00 they became relentless. I got up…walked to the bag just to check and see if there was anything left in it. There was still a ¼ of a bag. I had dreamt that I was out of dog food and believed it.

This has happened once before when I was in my 20’s. I had a dream that I was pregnant. Which at that point in my life, would have been by immaculate conception. But it took me a good 30 minutes, lying in bed, after I woke up from that dream, to realize that I wasn’t.

I went from dreaming about, at least the concept of sex, to an empty bag of dog food.

Wow…I really need to start getting out more.


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